In the newly-released two book series, Robert draws on his success building Amazon Anywhere & AWS to keep rewriting our future
by harnessing pervasive computing (IoT, Smart Cities, AR, Voice, and AI) and social networking to build immersive experiences.
As seen in EIN Presswire
SEATTLE, WA, November 23, 2021 – Drawing on his acquisition by Amazon in 1999, experiences in building out Amazon Anywhere and AWS
in the early 2000’s, and startups like Snapvine and Tidalscale, Robert Frederick’s recently published series outlines his API and microservices
approach to digital transformation. The series “3 Ring Binder for IoT, Mobile, and Social Apps” is available on Amazon with 1-click — the same
technology he helped bring to mobile devices, voice recognition applications, and developers to create e-commerce applications while at Amazon!