Sirqul’s real-time analytics, machine learning and simulations, requires the ability to handle big data and unpredictable workloads
at any moment in time. With TidalScale we solved the data science dilemma and dynamically right-sized servers
on the fly to deliver results faster based on the required workload.
Real World Case Studies
Connected Car
In partnership with RPMA Networks and
Ingenu, Sirqul help to create a connected
vehicle environment to benefit country–
wide transportation systems. This enabled
safer and securer communications among
vehicles, infrastructure, and personal
communications devices.
VIEW CASE STUDYIngenu, Sirqul help to create a connected
vehicle environment to benefit country–
wide transportation systems. This enabled
safer and securer communications among
vehicles, infrastructure, and personal
communications devices.
See more of our customer solution case studies.
White Paper: 7 Challenges of Working with IoT in Retail IoT Data
Sirqul + TidalScale
- Future driven IoT solutions to influence your product roadmap
- Learn key considerations when evaluating solutions
- Enable key insights to transform your in-store business
- See examples of what innovative retailers can enable with IoT

eBook: Best Practices IoT Project Planning

Learn how companies are leveraging
IoT for breakthrough capabilities —
and business results.
The IoT Project Planning guide gives you:
- A proven six-step IoT solution planning roadmap
- Key considerations when evaluating IoT platforms
- Hardware and networking options and considerations
- Using modular building blocks for fast time to market
- Examples what innovative businesses are doing